Sacred Space

Sacred Space

A month ago I turned the clock on another year. I see this space, between 39 and 40, as sacred space. For awhile now I've felt as though I've earned 40. A lot of life has been lived and many lessons learned. But the one that still alludes me, perhaps always will, is long term self care. Sometimes, most times, I'm so busy doing I don't make space for simply being and being is what I crave. 

— rumi

And so, into this 39th year of life I invite nourishment of my soul, of my body, of my heart, of my relationship with the ones I hold dear, the ones that lift me up and this precious world around me.

In preparing for this sacred space I've made the decision to let go of client work. I don't know if this is for today, tomorrow or always but I do know it is for right now.

Part of this experience is not knowing what 3 months, 6 months or a year from now will look like and I'm giving myself permission to not have a destination. How can I explore if I think I already know where I'm going? 



The Boy

The Boy