Winter Break | Cherish This Day

I was lucky this year and had a little over two weeks at home with the boys. I had grand plans for all this important business of wrapping up lingering to-do's and great efficiencies. I was going to enter into 2015 with a clean slate. 

In the end my list became longer, not shorter, as I was engulfed in the task of creating a dedicated creative space for me in the house. Our uniform became PJs and bed head as I alternated between purging, organizing, and being still. 

For a little over two weeks I walked away from the computer and dove into my life and soaked up the small moments of discovery. Did you know that my new creative space is the perfect runway for his airplane?

This is my contribution to Cherish This Day, click on over here to see the rest of the post

Rub a Dub Dub | Cherish This Day

Merry Christmas [Eve]