Rub a Dub Dub | Cherish This Day

It's late and according to all blogging, social media standards this is likely the worst time to publish a post. But I don't publish for SEO or google analytics I publish for me. This is my space; a space I've hesitated to fully claim up until now for whatever reason. Times they are a changing. 

So here I sit in front of the screen. Wine in hand, family peacefully sleeping and to-do list attention deficit disorder. I finally settle on sharing the image and the series behind the image that was shared in the collaborative Cherish This Day today. 

In my "pay the bills job" I am the Director of Tax for a manufacturing company based here in Dallas which means right now we are finalizing our financials and I'm in the busiest time of my year. Most of the week, all but one night, I only saw the boys for one hour before they went to bed and we were all out of sorts. It's amazing the difference a few hours make. 

Wednesday was the exception. 

We had to divide and conquer so I came home on time and soaked in my ordinary, mundane life that on this day was exceptional because for the last two weeks it wasn't our routine. 

After they were good and clean I partially closed the pocket door and sat in the hallway and just watched them. Lost in their own world of brotherhood and giggles and whispers and schemes and laughter they were unaware of me and my camera.

I want to remember this. I want to hold on to all of it. 

The way the exhaustion amplifies the joy. 

The crappy light in the bathroom. 

The beauty in simplicity.

The towel we put on the floor instead of a mat so it can be changed out frequently (due to all the splashing). 

The way that no matter how bad the mood the bath strips away the angst and finds calm. 

 The friendship. Yes, most definitely the friendship. 

Give yourself five minutes this weekend to sit back, watch and soak your life in. 

Time Travel

Winter Break | Cherish This Day